This is an open letter to those who are out in the streets in support of the Gazans, condemning Israel. I would like to ask you a few questions.
Where were your over the years while the rockets kept flying into Israel? Since the beginning of this year alone already over 1300 rockets were launched from Gaza. Oh, but the Israelis have that Iron Dome thingy that can shoot down most of those rockets. Is that a good reason for you to demand that Israel sit with their hands in their laps and just take the beating?
Each anti-missile device costs $15,000 dollars. Israel is not the richest country in the Middle East. Yet, do you think that if the Emirates or Qatar got under attack for some reason, they would just purchase a bunch of those Iron Dome devices from Israel and with a peaceful nod ignore the attackers? Think about it! What about if your own country, your city suddenly was bombarded by rockets and you had to scurry to bomb shelters two, three or more times a day? And some of you when you came out would find your house in ruins because the shield missed a rocket. Sure, nobody actually would have died. But would you sit still good naturedly?
Alright, let us go beyond this particular conflict. Where were you during Black September in Jordan? Where were you when the Lebanese army attacked the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp in 2007, killing some 450 people? Where were you this past year when Palestinians got killed in the thousands in Syria? Less than four months ago close to 130 people were reported to have starved to death in the Yarmuk refugee camp in Damascus. Where were you then?
Where are you now when reports are coming in about the newly proclaimed caliphate in Iraq that hundreds of people have been and are methodically executed there? Or the slaughtering of Muslims by Buddhists in Burma, or the situation in South Sudan where entire villages are eradicated now, as we speak? Or Pakistan, where Jihadists are killing people by the hundreds in terrorist attacks weekly, if not daily? Now!
So what is so different about this Gaza conflict? Please, stop and ask yourself why is it that you are so easily incensed by a cat that had enough of having its tail being pulled and it decided to scratch back?
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