I have seen several times now Ms Carla Jazzar, First Secretary at the Lebanese Embassy in Wasgington, speak on TV, saying that the fact that Hezbollah fighters shoot their rockets from civilian areas is all a pack of lies. Could someone, please, forward to her this photo here, plus he following material: article with photos in the Australian Herald Sun, video on YouTube, the article Christians Fleeing Lebanon Denounce Hezbollah (with photos) in The New York Times, July 28, 2006 (registration is necessary to view any archived material),
It is a different issue whether it is all right for the Israelis to "make mistakes", like the Qana air strike, which was since revised to 28 dead. We DO have visible proof that they are at least trying to hit only legitimate military targets. Hezbollah on the other hand send their rockets off towards civilian areas, packed with pellets and nails, with the specific goal toharm human targets. The only reason they produce less victims is that the rockets have to travel relatively long distances and the early warning system in Israel makes it possible for people to run for cover. Had the Israeli offensive not push Hezbollah back farther, the damage would have been way bigger.
But all these are just details. The more burning issue is that Hezbollah exists in the first place, and that in its present form now is a well trained, properly brainwashed proxy army of Iran's Islamic regime, which uses it for its own purposes in trying to increase its regional dominance. Until the Shia Lebanese recongnize this themselves and realize that they are double victims, that they themselves had no valid reasons for the massive arms build-up and the actual picking of fights with their southern neighbours, there is no hope...
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I don't know what is happening with that forum. I registered, then I tried to look for your topic/forum at
It did not find anything. Then I cut and paste the URL you gave me, that comes up, but it doesn't accept me when I try to log in.
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