Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ahmadinejad's UN speech

Mr Ahmadinejad has done it again. This is already beyond comprehension!

I am thinking of two possible explanations. Either he is what he appears to be, but then it puzzles me why Iran's political forces behind him still uphold him in his present position; or there is some rhyme and reason behind the apparent madness, maybe it is a very calculated modus operandi. But then, of course, that begs the question: to what aim?

In either case, after discussions today with some of my Iranian-Canadian friends and acquaintances, a rather embarrassing and painful period in Iranian history is unfolding in front of our eyes...

PS. By the way, as immediate proof of his lack of information / lies / machinations (pick one at your discretion) as far as his assumptions go regarding world opinion about the 9/11 attacks on the US, please read the survey conducted by World Public on opinions in different corners of the world as to who people think is really behind those attacks.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hossein threatened by the death penalty

This is a disgrace! How low can a country, or rather its leadership, sink? Not enough that our Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi was imprisoned and "accidentally" killed in 2003, not enough that the ensuing murder trial was handled with "flagrant denial of due process", as observed by Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister, Bill Graham. Now we have to receive news of Canadian blogger Hossein Derakshan being in danger of execution. He is accused of "collaborating with enemy states (sic?), creating propaganda against the Islamic regime, insulting religious sanctity, and creating propaganda for anti-revolutionary groups". In simpler terms: exercising his right as a Canadian, while within Canada, to free speech.

We cannot let this happen! If anything, it is Iran that is insulting us now. For how long will we allow this regime to repeatedly throw filth in the face of the international community? What do they want to achieve by these rogue actions? If it goes on like this, it will be embarrassing for any Iranian when outside their country to admit to being Iranian... Shame!