And the trend continues... Practially at the same time there were two terrorist threats in the news in North America.
One here in Canada, in the Sikh community. The well known and well liked (I can only speak for non-Sikhs) PM from Vancouver, Ujjal Dosanjh was threatened on a Sher-I-Punjab radio show because he criticized the fact that portraits of know Sikh terrorists were carried in their parade, thereby giving validity to violence. Of course, the RCMP takes the threat very seriously. I, as a Canadian, believe that once we become Canadian citizens we don't have the right to bring our political squabbles into this country, no matter what is behind us in our history.
But I am also very happy to see that on the Facebook website Ujjal Dosanjh is a Sikh Traitor he has a lot of support expressed both from the part of Sikhs and non-Sikhs.

In this instance the threat comes from Zachary Adam Chesser, aka Abu Talhah Al-Amrikee, a self-proclaimed American Jihadist. To quote: "... Trey and Matt has to be sliced ... inshallah." And the result is...? Comedy Central bleeped the "offending" parts. This, of course, means that the Jihadists won, at least in this case.
What I find disturbing is that in both cases the people who uttered these threats were born here and educated here. Are we becoming too lax and complacent...?